Toilet Issues
Is it safe for my child to take Miralax for treatment of constipation?
My three year old is toilet trained, but her bowel movements are huge and sometimes she has trouble pushing them out. Sometimes they are huge, especially if she hasn't gone in a few days. I thought she was constipated, but even with extra fruit she doesn't "go".
Left untreated, constipation can lead to long term difficulties with passing bowel movements. A child may even develop encopresis, the involuntary leakage of bowel movements. Fortunately, treating constipation in preschoolers can prevent problems later on!
Our two year old is toilet trained for peeing but he’ll only poop in his diaper. We tried not giving him one, but he held on for three days and we gave in (he then had a huge bowel movement). What can we do?
Every fall, after school has been in session for a few weeks, I start to get calls from parents about their children coming home with wet underwear. Here is what they say . . .
Our daughter Claire is four and has been toilet trained for over a year. However, she only likes to have a bowel movement at home. At first, this wasn't a problem. Then we started noticing that if we were away from home at her usual time…
Our son Jeremy wets the bed at night, even when he uses the toilet right before going to sleep. He's six now and he's been toilet trained during the day for years. It's frustrating for us because we'd like to be done with diapers for at least one child. Jeremy doesn't seem as upset as we are, but…