Sleep Consultations
If you ask parents what they miss most about their lives before children, most will say “SLEEP”! I believe that parents who are well rested are best able to be responsive and nurturing to their babies and children. Babies and children who are well rested are happier, more alert during the day, and less easily frustrated.
If you come to me for help with sleep we will create an individualized plan that fits your child's age and stage of development as well as your family's needs. Because I am a pediatric nurse practitioner and specialist in maternal child health you can feel comfortable that the advice you get will be professional and thorough. My approach is warm, compassionate and respectful to your baby, your child and your family. I love helping parents to feel confident and successful!
My consultations are for parents who want more than a “sleep plan”. The consultation is in depth and is for parents who want a whole child approach rather than just talking about sleep. We will discuss the home environment, breastfeeding, bottle feeding and nutrition, scheduling, separation and attachment, your baby or child's inborn temperamental qualities, setting limits for older children, and your child's health and development since birth. If there are two parents I include both in the consultation because I believe that parenting is a team activity!
The basic consultation includes:
• Analysis of a detailed sleep questionnaire
• 1 1/2 to 2 hour parent meeting
• Written plan to begin within the week.
* Two weeks of short email questions/answers
In addition to the basic consultation you can choose the type of follow-up that your prefer
• Daily check-ins by email in which you send me a detailed report the previous night and get advice, adjustments, or changes as needed.
• Scheduled telephone check ins.
• Follow-up meetings in person (usually helpful for older children)
My office is easy to get to from Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco, and Marin County. If you do not live in the San Francisco Bay Area, we can arrange a consultation using telephone or FaceTime.
To arrange a consultation, please contact me.