Should our baby's bassinet be in our room or in another room? My partner and I disagree.

It can be a source of tension when parents don't agree about sleeping arrangements for a baby. Even if the baby's room is close by and the doors are open or a baby monitor is installed, a new mother may feel that she needs her baby close…
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How do you stop a child’s whining?

Our four year old little daughter Henrietta has developed a very irritating, whiny way of talking to us. It's driving us nuts--we keep telling her to stop, and we try to ignore her or tell her to ask us in a pleasant voice, but she doesn't stop…
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Our three year old has started to stutter

Our three-year-old daughter Katie has begun to stutter. Up until now she's been very clear in her speech. She stutters the most when she's excited or trying to explain something to us. She'll say, "I saw . . .I saw . . .I saw . .", then pause, and then…
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Our daughter has stopped pooping everyday and a friend said she might be "withholding"

Our daughter Claire is four and has been toilet trained for over a year. However, she only likes to have a bowel movement at home. At first, this wasn't a problem. Then we started noticing that if we were away from home at her usual time…
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